The South Roots Apprenticeship experience : Angela’s story

Retrieving Roots to find Purpose & Destiny

The South Roots Apprenticeship experience : Angela’s story

I’ts been the most unforgettable, eye opening, self discovering, holistic shaping journey I have ever experienced. In just a year I’ve learned so much of not just myself and my nation but of who my Father is and his heart for the nations.
Having had my prodigal son experience just last year, in accepting Jesus as my Lord and savior, I came into South Roots with very limited expectations – God just blew my mind!!

Growing up I always wanted to know more about Him but had no one around to guide, mentor and walk with – Here I received all that and so much more.

One of the main highlights of this year for me was being baptized. I was able to share my testimony for the very first time and to feel the unconditional, unconventional love of God like never before and in being baptized I was able to respond to that. Ever since then, as I’ve taken and shared my story to God’s people it’s been able to do such heart surgery in me every time I share. When I’ve encountered different situations off stage, behind the lights when no one is around, I’m able to say no, God says that I am pure, righteous and loved and to wholeheartedly mean it. Why? Because in sharing my story I’ve been able to find that though I felt alone most of the time, God’s hand was in my story all along and still is. Being given the platform to share, and be a messenger of God and his goodness has shaped me more than I ever thought. My identity is still constantly being shaped and molded by the Father. Its been tough but I can now look up and trust Father God despite what any earthly father did. This has been one highlight apart from getting to see various places and people not just nationally but internationally. Apart from growing in performing arts and developing in the gifts he’s placed in me.

This is all just the beginning and I am so grateful for it all.

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