South Roots has established models for cultural redemption in education with implemented programmes for Pre-Primary, Primary and high school level. Through these various projects, communities have been transformed whereby over a period of 15 years, the average qualification of a community progressed from grade 7 to first year university with a smaller percentage pursuing post graduate studies – including Master degrees. The community has also experienced a major decrease in the unemployment rate.
South Roots International provides a space for not only the development of creative art skills specifically related to performance, but also the exploration of identity through their emphasis on heritage. The high standard of their skills in performance plus their knowledge of cultural protocols and intangible heritage practises inspires all involved.
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Lange
ARROWSA Chairperson

I have worked with South Roots International since 1998 seeing the impact of lives being changed through creative productions like Broken shackles, touring different nations and sharing the message of redeeming cultures and transforming nations! My own life and ministry has been shaped and influenced by South Roots International.
Kumbukani Phiri

South Roots International – is playing a very important role in the redemption and restoration of our dear farm land. They are passionate, talented and original. Their impact is the result of an understanding of the value, strength and gift of different cultures. They have the character to be sustained and overcome hardships. To us personally , they have encouraged and set an example to trusting God. Our farm and our people have seen the fruit and are enriched because of their input and valuable relationship. May key people see the valuable role they can play in transformation.
Marike Naude
Esperance Farm, Overhex, Winelands
South Roots International team came to us in the Kalahari and shared the work they do with the Khoi of the Cape. They shared principles, stories and skills through the performing arts and promoted selling and buying of crafts to support the people in the Kalahari. In the year 2000 my ex husband, the late Vetkat Regopstaan Kruiper encouraged South Roots to continue their work amongst the Khoisan and Bushmen communities and to come home ( to the Kalahari) as often as possible. After the passing of Vetkat Regopstaan Kruiper, South Roots International continued their work with my husband – Jan Oeliset Org and I.
Their work to understand our identity as a Khoisan people from very troubled backgrounds, has reaped much fruit – visible today. Walking the land, prayers for peace and rain in dry times, using the art as a tool for healing of the desert dwellers.
Belinda Org
Kalahari dweller, San Activist and Poet

I was at the nations to nations conference and was absolutely touched by the South Roots performance. Back in 2014 I did the troubadour DTS in Worcester, where I first encountered South Roots International. The week of redeeming cultures classes was very difficult for me, because I was so ashamed to be a Coloured, I couldn’t accept it, but in the past three years I have been on journey of acceptance and embracing my culture. Thursday night at nations to nations as you guys performed in your attire, I had goosebumps and in that moment, I felt proud of my heritage.
Robyn Hamman